ebXML Today

ebXML Today serves both as a community bulletin board and directory where readers share information and recommend useful resources. Main index pages within ebXML Today include:

To add ebXML
Today content:

All interested parties are encouraged to submit content to ebXML Today. Each submission will be assigned a URL on this site and will also be linked from the appropriate ebXML Today main page.

Your posting will be publicly accessible, and registered users will be able to add comments. You may edit your entry at any time. Please review the XML.org Editorial Guidelines and the Style Guide for XML.org online communities before contributing content to any page.

To add content:

  1. Be sure you're logged in to the site. (First-time users must create an account.)
  2. Select the appropriate ebXML Today index page.
  3. Follow the "Submit content" link in the top right corner of each ebXML Today index page. You'll be directed to a content submission form, specific to the type of posting you wish to make.  Enter required and optional data in the fields provided.
  4. Preview, edit if necessary, then submit your posting. The title and first 100 words of the body text will appear on the appropriate ebXML Today index page with a link to the full version of your posting.

To provide feedback on existing ebXML Today content:

  1.  Be sure you're logged in to the site. (First-time users must create an account.)
  2. Select the add new comment link at the bottom of the appropriate page.

See also: