Drummond Group ebMS 2.0 Interoperability Test
The interoperability of ebMS systems within numerous industries is critical to the growth of today’s marketplace. These systems’ ability to interoperate ensures their capabilities to exchange information efficiently in a cost-effective manner.
This test starts July 8th is run by Drummond Group who tests and certifies a software product's ability to interoperate with the other products in the test. This upcoming ebMS 2.0 Interop will be the ninth test event for this particular standard.
For a complete previously certified product listing for ebMS 2.0, please review: http://www.drummondgroup.com/html-v2/ebXML-companies.html
For more information on ebMS 2.0 standards and test profiles, please review: http://www.drummondgroup.com/html-v2/ebxml.html
For a definition of interoperability testing, please review: