Drummond Group Launches First ebMS 3.0-AS4 Interop Test and Certification

7 Sep 2009 (All day)
Event Type: 
Drummond Certified AS4 Interop Test Starts September 7th!

Registration is Now Open!

AS4 Interoperability Testing will run September 7 - December 16, 2009

Testing Location: No travel is required. Participants will test over the internet from their respective sites and communicate daily via conference calls and elist server.

For complete test registration details, please email info2 at drummondgroup.com or phone 512-826-2938.

About AS4
AS4, the OASIS B2B messaging standard, is being finalized in the next few weeks by the OASIS ebXML Messaging Services Technical Committee. The intent and purpose of the formation of the AS4 subcommittee was the development of a Conformance Profile of the ebMS v3.0 specification. This profile provides guidance for a standardized methodology for the secure and document-agnostic exchange of B2B payloads using Web services. By constraining the ebMS v3.0 specification and the underlying WS-* specifications for messaging packaging, transport, security, and business non-repudiation, the profile focuses on providing an entry-level on-ramp for Web services B2B messaging. The profile development intent was to map the existing functional requirements currently satisfied by RFC4130 (AS2) onto the Web services platform.

Important Benefits of AS4:
  • Message security governed by WS-Security specification along with support for payload compression
  • Support for an AS2-like business Non-Repudiation Receipt
  • Reception Awareness - just enough reliable messaging
  • x.509 security tokens for signing/encryption;additional support for username/password tokens for access to message pull channels
  • Support for AS2's synchronous and asynchronous document push choreographies
  • Support for the ebMS v3 document pull choreography which is not available with AS2
  • Important for markets where 24x7 Internet connectivity and IP addressability is not available
  • Client can access multiple document pull channels (priority, document types, etc)
  • AS4 defines a "light client" for deployment to IT and cost challenged endpoints


XML.org Focus Areas: BPEL | DITA | ebXML | IDtrust | OpenDocument | SAML | UBL | UDDI
OASIS sites: OASIS | Cover Pages | XML.org | AMQP | CGM Open | eGov | Emergency | IDtrust | LegalXML | Open CSA | OSLC | WS-I