ENTSOG workshop on Interoperability NC data exchange requirements

25 Feb 2014 - 10:00 - 16:00
Event Type: 



ENTSOG organises a workshop on “Interoperability NC data exchange requirements” and asks feedback on the suggested Common Network Operation Tools (CNOT)-Process

(Brussels 21 January 2014, PR057-14) As required by regulation (EC) 715/2009 Transmission System Operators (TSOs) shall develop common network operation tools to ensure the coordination of network operation.

On 25 February 2014 ENTSOG organizes a workshop for stakeholders in Brussels to cover following topics:

  • Common network operation tools – development process: As required by regulation 715/2009 TSOs shall develop common network operation tools to ensure coordination of network operation.
  • AS4 Usage profile definition: The Interoperability and Data Exchange Rules Network Code foresee AS4 as a common data exchange protocol for document based data exchanges (as outcome of the CBA performed by ENTSOG during INT&DE NC development process).
On the workshop’s agenda are also the Business Requirement Specifications (BRS), pilot project results on nomination and matching and the usage profile definition of AS4, a common data exchange protocol.
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