ebCore Agreement Update Specification v1.0 published by the OASIS ebXML Core (ebCore) TC

OASIS is pleased to announce the approval and publication of a new Committee Specification by the members of the OASIS ebXML Core (ebCore) TC[1]:

ebCore Agreement Update Specification Version 1.0
Committee Specification 01
18 September 2016

What is ebCore Agreement and why is it important?

The ebCore Agreement Update specification defines message exchanges and an XML schema to support the exchange of messaging service communication agreement update requests and the associated responses to such requests.

The schema offers extensibility for various types of updates. The main initial application of the specification is the exchange of X.509 certificates for certificate rollover, for which a separate extension schema is provided.

The specification is based on the concept of messaging service communication agreements and the creation of new agreements as independently identified updated copies of existing agreements. The specification also provides an Agreement Termination feature. The specification supports ebMS2, ebMS3 and AS4 but can also be used with other protocols that have a concept of communication agreement. The specification is independent of storage or interchange formats for configuration information.

This is a final deliverable. Completed and approved by the TC, this OASIS Committee Specification is fully ready for implementation. If submitted for further ratification as an OASIS Standard, its content will not change.

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