Revision of What are the benefits of an XML Registry? from Sun, 2007-02-04 01:32
Book page: Submitted by carolgeyer on Sun, 2007-02-04 01:30. Last updated on Sun, 2007-02-04 01:32.
The benefits of an XML Registry are numerous and include:
- Promotes efficient discovery and maintenance of registered objects
- Enables efficient version control for registered objects
- Promotes unified understanding of registered objects. Because metadata for registered objects is accessible from a single location, a unified understanding of the purpose of the registered objects will be promoted
- Ensures availability and reuse of authoritative XML. A controlled registration and validation of XML artifacts from authoritative sources promotes interoperability between trading partners, and facilitates greater reuse
- Enables collaborative development. Users can create XML artifacts and submit them to an XML registry for use and potential enhancement by authorized parties. The enhanced versions can then be made available for access by other authorized parties.
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