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Resources provides a directory of educational materials and community-support tools for ebXML.

ebXML Messaging in eHealth

This presentation provides an overview of the use of ebXML Messaging in e-Health and reference two large implementation of ebMS in the UK and Norway, with up-to-date information on message volumes.

This was presented on September 18, 2008 at the joint landmark conference by ISO, IEC, ITU-T, OASIS, UN/ECE-UN/CEFACT and UPU, supported by the Management Group of the MoU on e-business, on the key role of e-business standards, to be held on 18-19 September 2008 at the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), Geneva, Switzerland.


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OASIS ebXML Standards for eGovernment Integration

This presentation was given at ETSI B2B workshop. It describes the use of ebXML Messaging in a number of eGovernment projects in the Netherlands, and the use of ebXML intermediaries and non-reliable interactions.


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Data Modeling and ebXML for Supply Chain Traceability

This presentation refers to a specific data model to support supply chain traceability.

It shows how, upon a proper modeling process of the overall supply chain, ebXML can be proficiently used to cope with business interoperability issues in the context of traceability information systems. In particular, exchange of traceability information can proficiently exploit the ebXML messaging system.

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Comparing Messaging Systems for B2B - ebXML, AS2/EDIINI, VAN, WS-I/WSDl web services

Presentation slides comparing the features for B2B of ebXML ebMS, AS2/EDIINI, VAN, WS-I/WSDl web services.  Provides a set of criteria for comparing B2B functionality and matrix for each approach.  Presents SWOT analysis of factors for each. 

Prepares a baseline for analysis by evaluators to understand important criteria with which to make decisions with regard to each technology choice.  Evaluators should apply their own weighted score carding to determining suitablity to task in their own environments.

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The ebBP and eBusiness Interoperability

This presentation by Monica Martin of Sun Microystems, co-chair of the OASIS ebXML Business Process Technical Committee, explores interoperability and the role of ebBP within the eBusiness domain.

Read more Focus Areas: BPEL | DITA | ebXML | IDtrust | OpenDocument | SAML | UBL | UDDI
OASIS sites: OASIS | Cover Pages | | AMQP | CGM Open | eGov | Emergency | IDtrust | LegalXML | Open CSA | OSLC | WS-I