ebMS3 and AS4 at 2011 OAG November Meeting at Oracle

Oracle Conference Center, Redwood City, Californal
16 Nov 2011 - 11:00 - 12:00
Event Type: 

The next Plenary of the  Open Applications Group will be held Wednesday, November 16 with Working Groups meeting on Thursday, November 17.

All meetings will take at Oracle's Conference Center in Redwood City, California.  


· Using OAGIS in the Cloud

· Special Presentation from Oracle

· OAGIS Case Studies

· OAGi Updates and briefings on Council activities

· Cloud Computing Panel "B2B and Cloud Computing."

You can see the most current agenda at  http://www.oagi.org/dnn2/Meetings/OAGiNovember2011Meeting/OAGiNovember20...  

Collaboration & Interoperability, 11:00 AM to 12:00 AM

The session is titled “Collaboration and Interoperability : Bringing cloud solutions to reality using OAGi and AS4” and the AS4 implementations from Axway, Flame, Cisco will show the interoperability. With an open source ebMS 3.0 Holodeck implementation deployed on AWS, the TC intends to demonstrate the connectivity scenario between a Public and a Private cloud.



Oracle Conference Center
350 Oracle Parkway
Redwood City, CA 94065
Phone: 650-633-8300

Fax: 650-633-8399 

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