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Products provides a central location for providers to describe available tools that support ebXML. Users are invited to share experiences using the "add new comment" link that appears at the bottom of each listing.

This directory is provided as a community resource and is not the result of any certification program or compliance testing. Authors are solely responsible for the accuracy of their entries. OASIS encourages readers to evaluate this information independently.

Flame Computing Enterprises: FMS

The Flame Message Server (FMS) is a multi-protocol secure business message server providing the middleware for communicating business messages over industry standard protocols conforming to the ebMS V3.0  and the ©RosettaNet RNIF V2.0 specifications. FMS provides the critical middleware in the implementation of Service Oriented Architectures (SOA) between heterogeneous business processes. 

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Webswell telConnect

The Webswell telConnect is a telecom industry-specific implementation of Webswell Business Hub general technological infrastructure.

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eLife Coupler: ebXML Messaging made very easy!

eLife Coupler allows applications of two organizations to properly process the documents exchanged between them in ebXML. These documents may be purchase orders, invoices, customs declarations or insurance contracts, to name just a few examples. An example for a sector-specific standard ebXML format is papiNet® (see )

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Open Source: freebxml Registry

The latest release - freebXML Registry 3.1 release - is now available at: Registry 3.1

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Open Source: Hermes Celebrates 5th Birthday with New H2O Launch (CECID)

Hong Kong SAR, Peoples Republic of China - 1 June 2007 - Center for E-Commerce Infrastructure Development (CECID), The University of Hong Kong (HKU) celebrates Hermes’ 5th birthday with the launch of a new open source version of Hermes Messaging Gateway v2.0 (H2O). Thanks to project funding from the HKSAR
Government's Innovation & Technology Commission, Hermes is available as free, open source to users and developers of business-to-business integration and Electronic Data Interchange (EDI).

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