Recent changes

Mon, 5 February 2007
(diff) (hist)17:02Forum topicupdated How does ebXML affect an existing IT infrastructure?carolgeyer
(diff) (hist)15:44Book pageupdated ebXML Registry StandardsKathryn Breininger
(diff) (hist)15:44Book pagerevised ebXML Registry Standards
author: Kathryn Breininger
(diff) (hist)15:43Book pageupdated Registry/Repositorycarolgeyer
(diff) (hist)15:43Book pagerevised Registry/Repositorycarolgeyer
(diff) (hist)15:38Book pagerevised ebXML Overviewcarolgeyer
Sun, 4 February 2007
(diff) (hist)03:58Book pageupdated ebCPPA FAQcarolgeyer
(diff) (hist)03:58Book pagerevised CPPA FAQcarolgeyer
(diff) (hist)03:57Book pagerevised ebBP FAQcarolgeyer
(diff) (hist)03:56Book pagerevised ebBP FAQcarolgeyer
(diff) (hist)03:56Book pagerevised ebBP FAQcarolgeyer
(diff) (hist)03:55Book pagerevised CPPA FAQcarolgeyer
(diff) (hist)03:55Book pageupdated ebMS FAQcarolgeyer
(diff) (hist)03:55Book pagerevised ebMS FAQcarolgeyer
(diff) (hist)03:53Book pageupdated Registry FAQcarolgeyer
(diff) (hist)03:53Book pagerevised Registry FAQcarolgeyer
(diff) (hist)03:52Book pagerevised Registry FAQcarolgeyer
(diff) (hist)03:51Book pagerevised CPPA FAQcarolgeyer
(diff) (hist)03:50Book pagerevised Registry FAQcarolgeyer
(diff) (hist)03:49Book pageupdated ebXML FAQcarolgeyer
(diff) (hist)03:49Book pagerevised ebXML FAQcarolgeyer
(diff) (hist)03:48Book pagerevised ebBP FAQcarolgeyer
(diff) (hist)03:46Forum topicupdated Is ebXML just for B2B, or can it be applied to business-to-consumer trading?carolgeyer
(diff) (hist)03:46Book pagemoved ebXML FAQ
source: FAQ
(diff) (hist)03:43Book pagerevised ebBP FAQcarolgeyer
(diff) (hist)03:43Book pagerevised FAQcarolgeyer
(diff) (hist)03:40Book pagemoved ebBP Adoption
source: Interest and use of ebBP, from 19631966TimRita
(diff) (hist)03:40Book pagemoved Specification
source: The ebBP OASIS Standard, from 19631966TimRita
(diff) (hist)03:39Book pagerevised The ebBP OASIS Standard
author: 19631966TimRita
(diff) (hist)03:38Book pagemoved Interest and use of ebBP
source: Interest and Use of ebBP, from 19631966TimRita
(diff) (hist)03:36Book pageupdated Implementation, interoperability, and conformancecarolgeyer
(diff) (hist)03:36Book pagerevised Implementation, interoperability, and conformancecarolgeyer
(diff) (hist)03:33Book pagerevised Implementation, interoperability, and conformancecarolgeyer
(diff) (hist)03:20Resourceupdated The ebBP and eBusiness Interoperabilitycarolgeyer
(diff) (hist)03:11Book pagemoved Business Process
source: Business process
(diff) (hist)03:07Book pagerevised Interest and Use of ebBP
author: 19631966TimRita
(diff) (hist)03:06Book pageupdated Getting to know ebBP19631966TimRitaAdded first section on getting to know ebBP.
(diff) (hist)03:06Book pagerevised Getting to know ebBP
author: 19631966TimRita
carolgeyerAdded first section on getting to know ebBP.
(diff) (hist)03:02Book pageupdated How does ebMS v3.0 differ from v2.0?carolgeyer
(diff) (hist)02:59Book pageupdated Messaging ServicesIan Jones
(diff) (hist)02:59Book pagerevised Messaging Services
author: Ian Jones
(diff) (hist)02:58Book pagerevised Messaging Services
author: Ian Jones
(diff) (hist)02:58Book pagerevised Messaging Services
author: Ian Jones
(diff) (hist)02:57Book pagerevised Messaging Services
author: Ian Jones
(diff) (hist)02:57Book pagerevised Messaging Services
author: Ian Jones
(diff) (hist)02:07Book pageupdated When will ebXML CPPA be completed?carolgeyer
(diff) (hist)02:04Book pageupdated How does this work compare with related efforts at other standards organizations?carolgeyer
(diff) (hist)02:02Book pagemoved CPPA FAQ
source: ebCPPA FAQ
(diff) (hist)02:00Book pageupdated Who will benefit from ebXML CPPA and how?carolgeyer
(diff) (hist)01:57Book pageupdated Who should be involved in this development?carolgeyer Focus Areas: BPEL | DITA | ebXML | IDtrust | OpenDocument | SAML | UBL | UDDI
OASIS sites: OASIS | Cover Pages | | AMQP | CGM Open | eGov | Emergency | IDtrust | LegalXML | Open CSA | OSLC | WS-I