ebMS connects youth care agencies, youth and family counselling services and child protection agencies in the Netherlands

Axway have published a case study of one of their ebMS customers, MOgroep in the Netherlands: 

MOgroep encompasses 1700 companies, and its main role is to lobby government agencies with the objective of getting youth care programs and policies on government agendas. A broad community of youth care agencies, youth and family counselling services, and child protection agencies are connected to the Youth Care Network through Axway B2Bi. MOgroep chose Axway B2Bi as its EDI and integration platform primarily because its main partner, the Justice Department, had been using the Axway platform for several years. In addition, Axway B2Bi offers a certified ebXML framework which is identical to the standard B2B interface used by the Justice Department. The security that Axway B2Bi, Axway Interchange and ebMS messages bring ensure that the data exchanged remains confidential. “Axway B2Bi is stable and secure. It serves its purpose well at the Justice Department, and that is proof enough for us that we can fully trust the solution,” said Martijn van Noppen, Information Systems Manager.


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