Resources provides a directory of educational materials and community-support tools for ebXML.
ebXML Simplified: A Guide to the New Standard for Global E Commerce
This book provides a concise, yet thorough introduction to ebXML and features guidelines for making strategic decisions concerning ebXML implementation. Following an overview of ebXML, the problems it solves, and how it relates to other standards, the author explains how major B2B vendors plan to integrate ebXML into their products.
ebXML used in research project to provide services in agrocultural domain
RAPR is a project of the research team Knowledge Management of the DFKI Kaiserslautern in collaboration with John Deere and Agricultural Management Solutions (AMS) in Zweibrücken for the Land Rheinland-Pfalz in Germany. RAPR stands for Raumbezogene Regelwerkzeuge für ein Produktions- und Ressourcenmanagement von Biorohstoffen. It is one component within a larger set of interacting tools which shall realize various services in the agricultural domain.
ebXML: Concepts and Application
In this book, two recognized OASIS experts present an authoritative guide for understanding and applying ebXML to today's hyper-competitive, hyper-dynamic global electronic marketplace.
ebXML: The New Global Standard
By Alan Kotok and David Webber
This is the first book on the subject of ebXML, and the first overall discussion of the technology written for business people, the ones who make the basic decisions on implementing e-business in a company.
Also available in Chinese: ISBN: 7-115-10319-4
Efficient: an open source toolset for modeling, animating and validating e-transactions
Our research center has created an open source, visual toolset for the planning, design and prototyping of electronic messages.
This site fosters the development and adoption of ebXML and related technology through software and experience sharing. It provides a centralized site for 'free' ebXML code and applications as well as development and deployment experience. is sponsored by the Center for E-Commerce Infrastructure Development and the Department of Computer Science & Information Systems at the University of Hong Kong.
GS1 eCom Technology Group: AS4 Web Services for B2B Communications
Connectivity to small and medium-sized companies that cannot afford, or lack the skills, to operate an AS2 messaging gateway server successfully, remains a challenge for many companies. Recently, the new AS4 B2B protocol was developed. It has all the functionality that AS2 offers today, but also provides better support for SMEs and is based on more modern Web Services technology.
Helena Chemical deploys Oracle AS, B2B ebXML and BPEL supplychain solution
Helena Chemical Company, a leading U.S. agricultural products specialist, used BPEL (Business Process Execution Language) and ebXML B2B technologies together to automate better and more productive supplier/distributor relationships.
HL7 Version 3 Standard: Transport Specification - ebXML, Release 2
The purpose of the ebXML message wrapper is to provide a secure, flexible transport for exchanging HL7 messages and other content, and potentially other message formats, between message handling interfaces or ebXML Message Service Handlers (ebXML MSH). This document describes a specific implementation of the ebXML Message Service Standard as described in "Oasis ebXML Messaging Services Version 3.0: Part 1, Core Features, Committee Specification 02, 12 July 2007" (ebXML Specification).