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eBIZ-TCF: ebXML in the textile, clothing and footwear sectors in Europe

Why the eBIZ project? Harmonising e-Business processes and data exchanges for SMEs in the textile/clothing and footwear sectors in the Single Market 

In an increasingly complex and fast-changing trade/economic environment, the fashion and footwear industries requires fast time-to-market reaction. Standards and agreed reference architectures allow suppliers, manufacturers and retailers to connect their businesses within the value chain. Despite lot of initiatives in the fashion industry, standardisation and widespread adoption by users is still lacking… 

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ebMS connects youth care agencies, youth and family counselling services and child protection agencies in the Netherlands

Axway have published a case study of one of their ebMS customers, MOgroep in the Netherlands: 

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ebXML as a national standard in China

The ebXML Architecture spec was adopted as a Chinese National Standard in 2003, the number is GB/T 19256.1-2003. It can be found at the Standardization Administration of China.

The ebMS, CC, RegRep, BPSS, and CPP/A have all passed expert review and been forwarded to an agency known as the SAC for approval.

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ebXML Asia

The ebXML Asia Committee, jointly initiated by KIEC (Korea Institute for Electronic Commerce), ECOM (Electronic Commerce Promotion Council of Japan), and TCA (Taipei Computer Association), is the congregation of EC/EB experts with the mandate to spread ebXML in the Asian region. The Terms of Reference provides guidelines for the activities and organizational matters of the Committee. The work items of the committee shall be developed in accordance
with the Terms of Reference.

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ebXML Forum

This online publication features original reports of new ebXML implementations, vendor announcements of ebXML solutions, reports from the ebXML technical committees and supporting standards organizations, and news from industry meetings related to ebXML.

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ebXML Message Service Adapter enhances medical data transfer at Helse Vest, Norway

According to a press release by Covast, the Covast ebXML Message Service Adapter for Microsoft BizTalk Server has been adopted by Helse Vest IKT AS, the ICT management center for healthcare institutions in western Norway. The Norwegian healthcare sector adopted ebXML as the communication standard of choice. With the Covast ebXML Message Service Adapter, Helse Vest can exchange ebXML messages from within BizTalk Server. The whole working experience has also been improved by a new user-friendly graphic interface together with a CPA/CPP editing functionality.

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ebXML Messaging in eHealth

This presentation provides an overview of the use of ebXML Messaging in e-Health and reference two large implementation of ebMS in the UK and Norway, with up-to-date information on message volumes.

This was presented on September 18, 2008 at the joint landmark conference by ISO, IEC, ITU-T, OASIS, UN/ECE-UN/CEFACT and UPU, supported by the Management Group of the MoU on e-business, on the key role of e-business standards, to be held on 18-19 September 2008 at the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), Geneva, Switzerland.


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ebXML Messaging in Netherlands government; project for exchange of energy labels for buildings

In the Netherlands, a profile of ebXML Messaging 2.0 has been developed and selected for interchange of information among government agencies. This profile is documented using the ebXML IIC "deployment template". It is now published online at:

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ebXML Podcasts

Conducted by Sacha Schlegel
This series of audio interviews with peer experts on ebXML offers unique, accessible insight into the status and history of ebXML and related technologies advanced by OASIS and UN/CEFACT.

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ebXML Registry Overview

This succint overview is an excellent way to get familiar with the OASIS ebXML Registry standard.
It is constantly updated and has useful link to other topics and resources related to ebXML Registry.

Read more Focus Areas: BPEL | DITA | ebXML | IDtrust | OpenDocument | SAML | UBL | UDDI
OASIS sites: OASIS | Cover Pages | | AMQP | CGM Open | eGov | Emergency | IDtrust | LegalXML | Open CSA | OSLC | WS-I