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Drummond Group Certifies Axway, Cleo Communications, IBM and Software AG for ebXML Messaging Interoperability

Drummond Group Inc. (DGI), the trusted interoperability test lab, today announced the completion of its ebXML Messaging Interoperability test. The four certified software products from these leading software companies deliver a cross-industry selection of tested standards-based, interoperable ebMS solutions to global industries, including automotive, financial services, government, health care and retail. DGI tests and certifies interoperability of products to ensure that the end users' problems and related costs in using that product are reduced...

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KeyInfo writer utility released

Axway have made available under an open source (Apache 2.0) license a utility to extract public key information from an X509 certificate. The utility builds an XML KeyInfo element as defined by .

This utility is of interest to anyone involved in managing ebXML CPAs that use certificates for signing or encryption.  This utility is used by the JustId open source CPA toolkit.



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Open source CPA toolkit

The Justitiële Informatiedienst in Almelo, the Netherlands, has released the toolkit that it developed to support management of ebXML Collaboration Protocol Agreements (CPAs) under an open source (EUPL) license. The toolkit, and previous versions of it, have been used to create and manage the CPAs for organizations in various government sectors in the Netherlands.  Hundreds of millions of ebXML messages have been exchanged based on CPAs created using the toolkit. 

The following is from


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New spec: ebCore PartyIdType

The ebCore TC is about to release a new specification for public review:  

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Open Source of ebMS V3 message handler and its AS4 profile on Sourceforge

"Holodeck", an open source version of ebXML Messaging V3 ( ) and its AS4 profile ( is now available on Sourceforge at,  with main on-line documentation page directly accessible at:

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