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Advancing e-Business among Textile and Clothing SMEs in Greece and Hungary using UBL and ebXML 

The companies involved, their business and the eBusiness network 

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Auto/Mate uses ebXML Messaging for automotive stock information updates

Auto/Mate, Inc has been in the automotive data processing business for over 25 years. It provides a fully integrated in-house computer system designed exclusively for automobile dealerships. According to NADA Survey of Dealership System Providers the Auto/Mate ranked No. 1. in customer satisfaction, No. 1 in “would recommend to other dealers” and No. 1. in “effectiveness of training”.

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Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Public Health Information Network Messaging System (PHINMS)

The Public Health Information Network Messaging System (PHINMS) provides a secure and reliable messaging system for the Public Health Information Network. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) say that there are currently multiple systems in place that support communications for public health labs, the clinical community, and state and local health departments. However, many of these systems operate in isolation, not capitalizing on the potential for a cross-fertilization of data exchange.

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DISA DRIve: Data Interchange Standards Registry Initiative

By Alan Kotok
The DISA Registry Initiative (DRIve) is a program to deploy the technology outlined in the ebXML specifications (v 2.0) for a standard online index of items needed by companies to do business in particular industries. DRIve provides such an index for the work of DISA-affiliated organizations.

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ebMS connects youth care agencies, youth and family counselling services and child protection agencies in the Netherlands

Axway have published a case study of one of their ebMS customers, MOgroep in the Netherlands: 

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ebXML Message Service Adapter enhances medical data transfer at Helse Vest, Norway

According to a press release by Covast, the Covast ebXML Message Service Adapter for Microsoft BizTalk Server has been adopted by Helse Vest IKT AS, the ICT management center for healthcare institutions in western Norway. The Norwegian healthcare sector adopted ebXML as the communication standard of choice. With the Covast ebXML Message Service Adapter, Helse Vest can exchange ebXML messages from within BizTalk Server. The whole working experience has also been improved by a new user-friendly graphic interface together with a CPA/CPP editing functionality.

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ebXML Messaging in Netherlands government; project for exchange of energy labels for buildings

In the Netherlands, a profile of ebXML Messaging 2.0 has been developed and selected for interchange of information among government agencies. This profile is documented using the ebXML IIC "deployment template". It is now published online at:

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ebXML used in research project to provide services in agrocultural domain

RAPR is a project of the research team Knowledge Management of the DFKI Kaiserslautern in collaboration with John Deere and Agricultural Management Solutions (AMS) in Zweibrücken for the Land Rheinland-Pfalz in Germany. RAPR stands for Raumbezogene Regelwerkzeuge für ein Produktions- und Ressourcenmanagement von Biorohstoffen. It is one component within a larger set of interacting tools which shall realize various services in the agricultural domain.

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Helena Chemical deploys Oracle AS, B2B ebXML and BPEL supplychain solution

Helena Chemical Company, a leading U.S. agricultural products specialist, used BPEL (Business Process Execution Language) and ebXML B2B technologies together to automate better and more productive supplier/distributor relationships.

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HL7 Version 3 Standard: Transport Specification - ebXML, Release 2

The purpose of the ebXML message wrapper is to provide a secure, flexible transport for exchanging HL7 messages and other content, and potentially other message formats, between message handling interfaces or ebXML Message Service Handlers (ebXML MSH). This document describes a specific implementation of the ebXML Message Service Standard as described in "Oasis ebXML Messaging Services Version 3.0: Part 1, Core Features, Committee Specification 02, 12 July 2007" (ebXML Specification).



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