ebxmlguru's blog

2007: A Marquee Year for ebXML

An article summarizing the achievements in 2007 for ebXML is now available from the ebXMLforum.

Details of new tools and a whole selection of resource links are provided.

Projects and developments with ebXML in 2007 are called out along with a look ahead to 2008. 

Figuring out WSDL interoperability nuances - time for ebXML?

Seems that the more things change - the more they stay the same.  While WSDL provides a lightweight collaboration model - getting those WSDL definitions to match can sometimes be quite a challenge.

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New Releases of H20, Webswell and ebXML Registry this week

Three open source projects for ebXML all announced new releases and features this past week.

For more details see - http://ebxmlforum.blogspot.com/

Moving beyond UDDI: is it time to consider ebXML?

 An excellent roundup from Joe McKendrick of ZDNet via his blog column -

"Capitalizing on service-oriented architecture" where he looks at the current landscape:

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ebXML Adoption - Hiding in Plain Sight

The new article by Alan Kotok reviews the global industry and government adoption of ebXML and discovers some surprising and exciting developments out there in the real world using ebXML.

Find out more about each of the application areas that Alan has found "hiding in plain sight" along with links to comprehensive content about each one.

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XML.org Focus Areas: BPEL | DITA | ebXML | IDtrust | OpenDocument | SAML | UBL | UDDI
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