Connecting Business Process Specifications with Business Event Monitoring
In “challenging” economic times, technology uptake depends more than usual on perceptions of what business value a technology can provide. So for starters, let’s recall that business process standards support technologies that have been argued as providing values in the following ways:
· documentation of business operations (BPMN), thereby preserving business knowledge capital
· opportunities to be turned into executable code (BPEL), perhaps improving quality of implementations and portability
Advances in ebXML messaging: multihop, AS4
The recent OASIS eGovernment Brussels workshop: Public Finance provided a good overview of recent work on ICT solutions using SOA and Web Services in the public sector. Due to a last-minute cancellation by one of the other speakers, I had the opportunity to present some of the recent work done in the OASIS ebXML Messaging Technical Committee.
This includes some of the work done by the AS4 subcommittee, which is working on a profile of version 3.0 of ebXML Messaging that focusses on the needs of the EDI data exchange, similar to the AS2 and other EDIINT protocols.
Flame Computing showcase ebXML V3 ebMS features
Long time supporter of RosettaNet based exchanges Flame Computing has now added ebXML messaging to their product solution - Flame Messaging Server (FMS).
With over 2,000 installations already in place the new ebXML v3 features add significant new capabilities to support distributed messages exchanges for their customers.
For more information see the Flame product brochure and the Flame Computing website.
New CECID H2O August 1st releases adds new database support and more.
The CECID team has released a new H2O ebXML messaging server with significant enhancements. Standard database support now includes Oracle, MySQL, as well as Postgres with out-of-the-box installer configuration options.
The download is available from:
SEEBURGER Releases ebXML Message Service Adapter for Its EDI Platforms
ORLANDO, Fla. (May 5, 2008) - SEEBURGER Inc. today released an ebXML Message Service (ebMS) adapter for its suite of Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) solutions, including the standalone SEEBURGER Business Integration Server as well as the SEEBURGER EDI add-on for use with the SAP NetWeaver® Process Integration (SAP NetWeaver PI) offering. The new adapter, available immediately from SEEBURGER, is designed for organizations that are adopting the ebMS communications protocolneutral method for exchanging electronic business messages.