Recent changes

Sun, 14 August 2011
(diff) (hist)11:01Eventnew Asian edition of Webinar "B2B Web Services: ebXML Messaging version 3.0 and AS4 Complimentary Webinar and Interoperability DemonPim
Fri, 5 August 2011
(comment)07:06Eventcomment Webinar recording available online
on B2B Web Services: ebXML Messaging version 3.0 and AS4 Interoperability Demonstration from Pim
(diff) (hist)07:03Resourcenew OAGIS BODs using ebXML Messaging version 3.0 and AS4Pim
(diff) (hist)06:52Resourcenew GS1 eCom Technology Group: AS4 Web Services for B2B CommunicationsPim
Sun, 31 July 2011
(diff) (hist)00:24Blog entrynew CAMeditor video tutorial of XML exchange buildingebxmlguru
Fri, 29 July 2011
(comment)17:09Productcomment Meridia vignette Equinoctial
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edwardmut (not verified)
Thu, 28 July 2011
(comment)18:19Newscomment Generic Propecia hoed brutum
on OGC Adopts ebRIM Application Profile for Catalogues from carolgeyer
colleenkn (not verified)
Wed, 27 July 2011
(comment)12:23Book pagecomment Ultram Bunny valedictorian
on Registry/Repository from carolgeyer
kenhawkn8 (not verified)
Tue, 12 July 2011
(diff) (hist)16:29Newsnew 15-day Public Review for AS4 Profile of ebMS 3.0 Version 1.0Pim
(comment)16:28Forum topiccomment A CPA can link different
on Multiple trading partner gateway using single CPA ?? from Senthilrajan
Sat, 9 July 2011
(diff) (hist)21:49Blog entrynew XML exchange design with drag and drop componentsebxmlguru
Thu, 30 June 2011
(diff) (hist)03:05Forum topicnew Multiple trading partner gateway using single CPA ??Senthilrajan
(diff) (hist)02:55Forum topicnew EndPoint Type attribute useSenthilrajan
Mon, 27 June 2011
(comment)23:49Forum topiccomment ebMS bundling Vs large XML document
on Batch Service in ebMS from Senthilrajan
(comment)19:45Forum topiccomment Bundling
on Batch Service in ebMS from Senthilrajan
(diff) (hist)07:49Forum topicnew Batch Service in ebMSSenthilrajan
Mon, 13 June 2011
(diff) (hist)21:41Eventnew B2B Web Services: ebXML Messaging version 3.0 and AS4 Interoperability DemonstrationPim
(diff) (hist)16:48Servicerevised ebXML and NBN Gateway Services: bas2eServices
author: arthur
Sun, 12 June 2011
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on How does ebXML affect an existing IT infrastructure? from carolgeyer
nathannfu (not verified)
Sat, 11 June 2011
(diff) (hist)09:17Newsnew OASIS ebMS Version 3.0: Part 2, Advanced Features is an OASIS Committee SpecificationPim
Sun, 5 June 2011
(comment)09:22Book pagecomment Ice lafox at pichunter
on How does ebMS v3.0 differ from v2.0? from carolgeyer
donaldwmn (not verified)
(comment)06:53Book pagecomment Canadian online pharmacies
on Collaboration Protocol Profile and Agreement from carolgeyer
donaldwmn (not verified)
Wed, 1 June 2011
(diff) (hist)15:27Resourcenew ebXML Message Service Adapter enhances medical data transfer at Helse Vest, NorwayPim
Sat, 28 May 2011
(diff) (hist)05:30Servicenew ebXML and NBN Gateway Services: bas2eServicesarthurAdded note of services by base2Services in realtion to NBN and ebXML
(diff) (hist)05:26Productnew JentrataarthurIntroducing Jentrata to the global community.
Fri, 27 May 2011
(diff) (hist)19:40Book pagerevised Contribute contentcarolgeyer
Wed, 25 May 2011
(comment)15:04Forum topiccomment Other reasons for having multiple CPAs
on Question on handling multiple CPA's from reema.kakodker
(comment)15:02Forum topiccomment Multiple CPAs for versions (e.g. expiring certs)
on Question on handling multiple CPA's from reema.kakodker
Tue, 24 May 2011
(diff) (hist)08:26Forum topicnew Question on handling multiple CPA'sreema.kakodker
Sun, 22 May 2011
(comment)11:00Forum topiccomment In CPP and CPA the scope is
on Repeating or regular transations? from Anonymous
Sat, 21 May 2011
(comment)09:06Newscomment 1984
on The new generation of ebXML integration suite from carolgeyer
andy5ru (not verified)
Fri, 20 May 2011
(diff) (hist)16:59Forum topicnew Repeating or regular transations?Anonymous
Wed, 11 May 2011
(diff) (hist)07:33Newsnew Covast provides ebMS3 and AS4 support in Microsoft BizTalk ServerPim
Mon, 2 May 2011
(comment)13:37Newscomment Buy Viagra hyperestrogenism
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normanbfv (not verified)
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Sun, 1 May 2011
(comment)23:35Forum topiccomment Free Porn medically latitude
on XML invoice structure from rosaw
normanbfv (not verified)
Fri, 22 April 2011
(diff) (hist)19:23Newsnew IBM supports AS4, the B2B Web Services profile based on ebXML Messaging Version 3.0Pim
Wed, 20 April 2011
(comment)00:37Newscomment BBW Dating scrapper
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jacobwota (not verified)
Mon, 18 April 2011
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Sun, 3 April 2011
(diff) (hist)17:48Newsnew 15-day Public Review for OASIS ebMS v3.0 Part 2, Advanced FeaturesPim
Thu, 17 March 2011
(comment)09:16Blog entrycomment Shake Weight duchenne tuxes
on Flame Computing showcase ebXML V3 ebMS features from ebxmlguru
ernestshy (not verified)
Wed, 16 March 2011
(comment)16:54Newscomment Zithromax meconiorrhea
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ernestshy (not verified)
(comment)04:10Productcomment Moxifloxacin side effects
on Open Source: Hermes Celebrates 5th Birthday with New H2O Launch (CECID) from 19631966TimRita
ernestshy (not verified)
Tue, 15 March 2011
(comment)09:19Book pagecomment Market Samurai Ceremony Binge
on Why ebXML? from carolgeyer
katiebozi (not verified)
Mon, 14 March 2011
(comment)23:17Testimonialcomment nutrisystem myxocyte
on What you always wanted to know about ebBP in five simple questions... from 19631966TimRita
katiebozi (not verified)
(diff) (hist)08:07Newsnew Integration of standards for Traceability and Sale of Fish Products- FishBizzPim
(comment)01:58Blog entrycomment Viagra Super Active Corduroy
on Oracle AS Integration B2B tutorial for ebXML / ebMS now online from ebxmlguru
tedjoynbu (not verified)
Wed, 9 March 2011
(comment)05:50Resourcecomment Boston Locksmith Collocate
on Tutorial ebXML for Implementers from Pim
suzanne1t (not verified)
Mon, 7 March 2011
(comment)18:40Eventcomment Tooth Whitening Maker
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marvinhoz (not verified)
(comment)15:18Testimonialcomment viagra homologation gizzard
on What you always wanted to know about ebBP in five simple questions... from 19631966TimRita
veronicgj (not verified) Focus Areas: BPEL | DITA | ebXML | IDtrust | OpenDocument | SAML | UBL | UDDI
OASIS sites: OASIS | Cover Pages | | AMQP | CGM Open | eGov | Emergency | IDtrust | LegalXML | Open CSA | OSLC | WS-I