Recent posts

TypeTitleAuthorRepliesLast Post
NewsFujitsu Interstage XWand to Assist SuperStream Users with ebMS3/AS4 Pim011 years 10 weeks ago
NewsAS4 Profile of ebMS 3.0 Becomes OASIS Standard Pim011 years 22 weeks ago
NewsebMS 3.0 AS4 and SuperStream Workshops in Australia DavidField011 years 38 weeks ago
NewsDrummond Group Opens AS4 Interoperability Test Registration for Australian Superannuation Industry's SuperStream Project timothy011 years 40 weeks ago
NewsAustralian Government releases Draft Superannuation Data and Payment Standard using ebMS3 and AS4 Pim011 years 40 weeks ago
NewsAS4 Profile of ebMS 3.0 V1.0 is Candidate OASIS Standard Pim011 years 40 weeks ago
NewsAS4 Transport Protocol Binding for OASIS Energy Interoperation 1.0 Version 1.0 Pim011 years 40 weeks ago
NewsUse of ebXML in Draft CEN Workshop Agreement on e-Business in Fisheries and Aquaculture Pim011 years 40 weeks ago
Forum topicBroken links in ebXML Messaging Services Version 3.0 Part 1 jdonnelly311 years 45 weeks ago
Blog entryebXML 3 and AS4 products and training jdonnelly511 years 47 weeks ago
Forum topicHolodeck B2B jdonnelly311 years 50 weeks ago
NewsManagement of Metadata and XML Schemas for e-Justice interoperability Pim012 years 10 weeks ago
NewsRechartered OASIS Business Document Exchange TC has been kicked off Pim012 years 10 weeks ago
NewsScenario for the Convergence of European Large Scale e-Government Project e-Delivery solutions Pim012 years 15 weeks ago
News15-day Public Review for AS4 Profile of ebMS 3.0 Version 1.0 Pim012 years 16 weeks ago
NewsPrimus Australia certified for NBN Co B2B interoperability Pim012 years 16 weeks ago
NewsXML Registries Core of New U.S. Aviation Weather Platform alankotok012 years 24 weeks ago
ProductJEITA EDI Client Pim112 years 26 weeks ago
NewsebMS 3.0 and CCTS in e-Justice Large Scale Pilot project Pim012 years 32 weeks ago
EventGS1 Industry & Standards Conference Pim112 years 37 weeks ago
EventebMS3 and AS4 at 2011 OAG November Meeting at Oracle Pim012 years 38 weeks ago
EventOpen Standards for Cloud Interconnectivity (ebMS3/AS4 Interoperability Demonstration) Pim012 years 47 weeks ago
NewsCEN Draft CWA on Addressing and Routing Status and ebCore Party Id Type Pim012 years 48 weeks ago
ProductCubicle: CubeMS Provider Edition lanyaipen012 years 48 weeks ago
NewsCloud Computing Technologies Embrace AS4 Standard ofinneran012 years 49 weeks ago Focus Areas: BPEL | DITA | ebXML | IDtrust | OpenDocument | SAML | UBL | UDDI
OASIS sites: OASIS | Cover Pages | | AMQP | CGM Open | eGov | Emergency | IDtrust | LegalXML | Open CSA | OSLC | WS-I