News | E-procurement in Sweden based on ebXML Messaging | Pim |
News | Public Review of OASIS ebXML Messaging Services Version 3.0: Part 2, Advanced Features | Pim |
Forum topic | Where are the Schemas | p1113 |
News | Drummond Group Certifies Axway, Cleo Communications, IBM and Software AG for ebXML Messaging Interoperability | carolgeyer |
News | KeyInfo writer utility released | Pim |
News | Open source CPA toolkit | Pim |
Blog entry | New CAMeditor v1.7 with NIEM 2.1 and LEXS 3.1.4 support | ebxmlguru |
Blog entry | IBM Datapower XB60 support for ebXML v2.0 | ebxmlguru |
Blog entry | Flexible XML Validation Framework using OASIS CAM approach | ebxmlguru |
Resource | Use of ebXML in Portuguese footwear industry | Pim |
Resource | Advancing e-Business among Textile and Clothing SMEs in Greece and Hungary using UBL and ebXML | Pim |
Forum topic | Same type for multiple PartyId ? | nitesh_it |
News | New spec: ebCore PartyIdType | Pim |
Event | Standards and tools for interoperability between Government information systems | Pim |
News | Open Source of ebMS V3 message handler and its AS4 profile on Sourceforge | jdurand2 |
News | Webswell Inc. releases a new generation of the Webswell Business Hub B2B integration platform. | ladislav_urban |
Event | Final Conference eBIZ-TCF Project -- A single e-language for the supply chain of the European Textile, Clothing & Footwear indus | Pim |
Forum topic | ebxml Test Tools | malsh20 |
News | Quorum Completes GM Parts Workbench Integration for U.S. Dealerships | carolgeyer |
News | Cyber Identity | Pim |
Event | Drummond Group Launches First ebMS 3.0-AS4 Interop Test and Certification | bmorrow |
Book page | About ebXML | admin |
Event | Drummond Group ebMS 2.0 Interoperability Test | bmorrow |
News | New Coupler ebXML Outlook at $995 | nadra |
News | ebXML Message Service (ebMS) Adapter for BizTalk Server | carolgeyer |